Thanks to all of you who sent us your good wishes for my little kitty-grrl. It's nice to know that all of you love your pet-kids too and understand how hard it is when they're not well. Your kindness is invaluable - thank you :)
We're entering into phase II of the big construction project and unfortunately, the builders will be destroying my front garden so that they can put in the new neighbours' foundations. Not only do I lose my little flower bed in front of the house (filled with all sorts of tulips and jonquils, just ready to pop out of the soil) , we are also losing the huge strip garden that I busted my back (and 2 shovels) to build almost 10 years ago. The ground isn't even properly thawed yet and I have to move about $2000 worth of heritage varieties of plants like irises and lilies that I have collected over the years. We also have to build a new fence to keep our dog-kids in a safe place. Nashville, the little scamp has discovered that he can jump over the snow fence by belly-flopping on it, then he tears around our busy neighbourhood, hackles raised, scaring everyone he meets.
If only he was still this cute
We'll be working on his etiquette as soon as we finish the fence and move the garden.
Sara, who always seems to be doing something charitable - where do you find the time/energy, girl??? - asked if I'd been to any Fred shows lately and I hang my head in shame. No, no I haven't. Once again, I missed the big Texas weekend. Maybe next year... He was supposed to do a show up in Perth but we had to forgo it to take care of things around Rancho Bumbershoot. This 'being an adult' thing sucks sometimes... Fred is still near and dear to our hearts (and ears). Yesterday, I took part in a collage workshop and a fellow collager remarked that she had noticed my Fred mug - and that her respect for me had increased 'tenfold' (I assume that it is a good thing? Did she not respect me a lot before? Hmmmm). I cannot wait until the big Cobalt weekend and a weekend spent in the cool, Northern woods listening to Fred and gang (oh yeah, and drinking tequila - remember kids, it's one shot for every year of age!) Love that Fred-dude!
On a bright note, Brock is playing at Jersey's next weekend and who is accompanying him? None other than the extremely talented Dan Walsh! Love that baritone gee-tar, dude!
I was extra-super blessed this week - a crate of vintage men's sewing patterns arrived from Texas and a giant "thanks" goes out to Kim from Dioramarama. I mean, a briefs pattern?!? WTF!?! High-larious! I showed it to K the elder and asked what color he wanted. All I got from him was a strange look, and a 'um, no thanks'. At least I thought it was funny. There's a really nicely shaped tennis jacket that I think I'll make up for K the elder and Pat has already asked for a leisure suit - love the curved pockets!
I did a little thrifting and hit Goodwill on their 50% off day - found an armful of vintage sheets that are just gorgeous and are screaming "den curtains" at me. At our local thrift shop, I picked up this beat up sewing box
It's in the middle of a paint transformation (orchid and lime green, no less) so stayed tuned for updates. It'll be a great place to tuck all of my thread and needles, etc instead of the plastic storage containers that I've been collecting stuff in. Not bad for $3, eh?
That's about half of the last week of life but my arms are aching...I'll type some more later - One of my favorite DJs, Chopper MacKinnon always wraps up with "and I love you" to which I cannot help but reply, "we love you too, Chopper" - so let me steal from the man - I miss you guys "and I love you"
Arg! I'm such a sucker for pet pics! That kitty is soooo cute!
Me too - she's a real piece of work, uh, I mean, beauty ;)
Losing your garden? Arrrgh! Such a shame.
Glad to hear you'll be seeing Fred in Cobalt. We'll be going too! (our first time, probably just the Saturday show). We would LOVE to go on his train trip, but that is perhaps for another year. The last show we saw was in Kemptville, but alas it did not have any "refreshments" available so the show was not quite as entertaining as some of the other shows we've seen.
Awesome! We'll have our Lanark Embassy sign up at our camp - drop by for a drink (or 8). Fred shows need 'refreshments';)
I cannot believe this, but I just found out that I can't go again this year. We have relatives...all the way from the right coast...that have the audacity to be visiting us that week, and they won't be leaving until the Sunday of the Cobalt weekend. Sigh.
That totally s-u-c-k-s!!!! You should bring them along. It's a loooooong drive for just one show but I'm a sucker for Fred & gang...
We're trying to get tickets for Perth later this month :)
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